Santa Clarita Valley Business Group

Jeff Armendariz have been a member of the Santa Clarita Business Group since 2002.  The SCVBG is a professional networking organization, including approximately 75 businesses throughout the Santa Clarita Valley.  The SCVBG requires strict adherence to professional standards among its membership to maintain a high level of integrity and a commitment to excellence.

I have been privileged to serve on the Board of the SCVBG over many years.  In this position, I have assisted with all matters related to the smooth and efficient running of the organization, including our community outreach efforts.  To that end, and regardless of whether I happen to serve on the Board in a given year, I serve as the Community Outreach Chairperson coordinating blood drives, food drives, and toy drives on behalf of the less fortunate in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Also, given the success of the Bar Association’s “Speech Competition” for 12th grade students, I implemented a similar competition 6 years ago, entitled “Speech Week”, for 8th Grade students.  The event is sponsored by the SCVBG in partnership with the William S. Hart School District.  

Historically, Speech Week has taken place over the course of 4 nights of preliminary rounds and culminates with a championship round.  Last year, to align with busy school schedules, the format was changed to one night of competition between 18 students from the various Hart District junior highs schools.  This competition, with incredible and amazing student talent, takes place in early November.  As in past competitions, the top 3 finalists are awarded cash prizes and invited to present their speeches at a special breakfast event, held later that same month, with the entire SCVBG membership.