Santa Clarita Valley Bar Association

The membership of the Santa Clarita Valley Bar Association includes 100+ local attorneys dedicated to serving the Santa Clarita community.  SCV residents are able to access attorneys who live and work in the Santa Clarita Valley for virtually every type of legal service that may be needed by residents.  The member attorneys are bound by a strict code of professional conduct designed to ensure that clients are represented by attorneys competent to handle the affairs of the client.  If you believe you need an attorney to discuss a legal issue or problem, you are encouraged to contact one or more of the SCV Bar members.  The goal of each Bar member is to be an effective advocate for the client, to provide sound and objective counsel and advice, and to  evoke a sense of comfort for the client.

I have been a member of the local Bar Association for over 20 years.  Over the last ten years, I have served on the Governing Board assisting with regular Bar Association business, including implementing continuing legal education programs for the Bar membership, planning continuing legal education seminars (CLE), networking/social activities, and serving as the Community Outreach Chairperson.   As the Chairperson, I coordinate our annual blood drives (usually in March/April), our food drives (August), toy drives (November), and especially important to me, our annual High School Speech Competition (April).  The Speech Competition was an idea I brought to the Board eight years ago as a relevant way to partner with the local William S. Hart School District and to promote the high academic achievement among junior and  senior-class students. The single-night event is scored by Los Angeles County Superior Court judges (also, residents of the Santa Clarita Valley) making the competition extra special for the students.  The top 3 students are awarded financial scholarships, and this April 2020 would’ve marked our 8th Annual event (cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic).